Frames An
information frame is a new user interface metaphor for
decision support applications. It replaces the existing
query - answer-set metaphor. The query - answer - set
metaphor involves the user formulating a business issue
in terms of a query, specifying the query using a
graphical user interface, and viewing the result of the
query (answer-set) as a table of numbers or pre-defined
graphs. The task of analyzing the answer-set is out of
the scope of the existing metaphor.
An information frame, on
the other hand, is a concise packaging of analyzed data
that combines automatically generated natural language,
tables and graphs that directly provide an answer to a
specific business issue.
This is accomplished by providing a user with direct
access to the semantic contents of a database relating
the data to the user's task. Information frames also
contain dynamic hyperlinks that lead the user to drill
down, seek answers to related questions or request help
for unfamiliar terms. In short, an information frame is a
user interface that integrates the query, analysis,
presentation and navigation tasks for decision support
applications. The figure on the next page shows an
example information frame.
This frame provides a retail Buyer comprehensive
information about brands in the Men's Apparel department.
This information includes plausible explanations for the
performance of leading brands. The underlined words in
the frame are hyperlinks. A user can click on these words
to generate new information frames that, for example,
will explain to the user the performance of the various
styles, colors and sizes that make up the leading brand.
This frame can be directly used by a Buyer in vendor
negotiations or ad planning. A complete application for a
Buyer will contain additional frames for business issues
such as Inventory Tracking, Merchandising Effectiveness,
and Assortment Selection.
A decision support
application developed using the information frames
metaphor can be defined as follows:
- a series of
information frames each addressing a specific
pre-defined business issue for a certain class of
business decision makers
- consists of embedded
navigational tools that allow the traversal of
hyperlinks in a manner that represents an
explicit model of the task the user is involved
- allows the user to
perform standard operations such as copying,
saving, annotating and mailing on an information
frame independent of the information content of
the frame
Benefits of
information frames
The information frames metaphor leads to the following
benefits to business operations:
- Superior applications
in terms of ease-of-use
- Superior applications
in terms of information content
- Lower training costs
because decision support applications have a
consistent look and feel
- Dissemination of
information to larger number of users due to its
simplicity and concise packaging
- Increased quality of
decision making due to the access provided to
analyzed data
- Speed at which
organizations can respond to changes in market
The information frames
approach to application development leads to an
architecture which uses standard off the shelf software
packages and generic software modules. Components of the
architecture that need to be specialized are clearly
understood. This leads to the following benefits for the
development organization:
- Lower development
costs via reuse of software modules and
- Increase in the
number of applications that can be developed and