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Customer Led Solution Identification (CLSI)

The key to ensuring the effectiveness of new technology is ensuring that intended end users will accept it and find it easy to use. By engaging end users and observing the current operational environment, the Customer-Led Solution Identification process results in the identification of an appropriate high-level system design that meets the needs and expectations of end users.

CLSI Process:

  1. Information sharing: HITC and client meet to discuss problem, new and emerging technologies, strategy
  2. Innovation problem solving process: A structured design workshop identifies creative solutions to clients’ problems
  3. User needs analysis: First-hand observation of customer’s needs, possibly including shadow visits, interviews, focus groups, and questionnaires.
  4. Conceptual prototype development: HITC develops a set of interactive storyboards that illustrate key implementation notions
  5. Evaluation - HITC reviews approach with members of intended end user community.

Goal: To identify ways in which new technologies can be used to address a client’s business problems

Resources: The CLSI process can take 1-3 months depending upon the complexity of the problem and should require a cognitive engineer, a graphic designer, and a multimedia developer.

Deliverable: A document, a prototype, and an implementation plan.

send mail to:  CLSI at HITC
NCR Human Interface Technology Center
5 Executive Park Drive, N.E.
Atlanta, GA 30329-2299

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